Spokane Web Design & Development

Intuitive web designs that anyone can use

Every Night Fox website is made to fit the clients' unique needs. We write scalable, clean, efficient code that search engines love. Our web designs are crafted with a strong emphasis on the user's experience. Your project isn't merely a vessel for vanity, it's the primary communication tool between you and your customers. We never lose sight of that in the development process.

We strongly believe your website should:

  • Be easy to use
  • Tell visitors a story
  • Encourage action
  • Generate leads/sales

Anything else that your website does beyond those things is just window-dressing.

Custom Web Design For Your Business

We design every website with one goal in mind; your complete, subjective satisfaction. Before we begin, we'll ask you some simple questions to get a feel for your subjective aesthetic taste. You can also provide us with some inspirational examples of work you've seen online that you think is well-suited to your needs. We'll take all the information you give us and craft a website that's uniquely tailored to your business' needs.

Usually we hit the mark on the first attempt, because we listen carefully to your wants before putting pencil to paper or cursor to screen. But, if we do miss the mark the first time, we'll do it again until we get it right. Subjective is the keyword in our design guarantee. When push comes to shove, your opinion is the only one that matters.

Copywriting Services If You Need Them

We also provide high quality copywriting services for clients who want it. If you want to handle all the copywriting internally, great! You'll be equipped with all the content management tools you need to keep your text and photos up-to-date. But if you do need a helping hand populating your site, we're here to help.

Simple Website Content Management

You will be able to edit any piece of content that exists in your project in seconds using Gravity Fox, the most user-friendly admin environment you'll ever use. In addition, you'll be able to keep track of your website traffic and leads over time from the same dashboard. We'll be sure to give you a demonstration as part of our formal proposal and bid for your project.